Thesis Proposals

Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Computer Graphics, and Human-Machine Interaction

    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      On-demand haptic feedback using collaborative robots for VR simulation of manual tasks in industrial processes

      Haptic feedback is an essential aspect of human-computer interaction, particularly in industrial settings where precise and realistic touch sensations are crucial for successful manual tasks. Collaborative robots (Cobots) have revolutionized industrial production processes by working alongside human operators, and this characteristic also opened up other uses for such devices, for example, in the context of ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Mixed Reality for conveying defects information to production line operators

      In modern production processes, the efficient detection and management of defects are critical for ensuring high-quality output and optimizing manufacturing operations. The advent of automation and advanced computer vision techniques has enabled the automatic detection of defects in real-time. However, conveying this vital information to production line operators in a clear, intuitive, and timely manner remains ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Advanced HMIs for reducing passenger anxiety in autonomous VTOL flights under stressful conditions

      As autonomous Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) technology advances, ensuring passenger comfort and confidence becomes paramount. Previous research has focused on developing Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) to improve passenger experience during standard flight phases (takeoff, cruise, landing) and in common visibility conditions. However, passengers are likely to experience anxiety in more critical ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Multi-input techniques to improve interaction accuracy in cockpit simulation of advanced mobility vehicles

      Despite the advancements in Virtual Reality (VR) technology, cost-effective hardware and tracking system are still suffering from accuracy limitations that in some cases can limit the natural interaction of the user with the virtual environment, ruining the user experience. That is the case, for instance, of operating on keyboards and button in an aircraft cockpit (precisely rotating small and tightly spaced ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      A VR-based recommender system for educational material in the Metaverse

      Supervisors: Fabrizio Lamberti
      Finding educational material that is required to complete the own set of possessed skills or those of a company's workforce is essential in today's knowledge society. The IEEE Digital Reality has developed a tool, known as Knowledge as a Service or KaaS ( that can be used to describe a set of possessed skills based on the IEEE ontology and match it against the knowledge base of IEEE ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      XR for training emergency medical personnel in invasive procedures

      This thesis will be developed in collaboration with Mauriziano Hospital / Università di Torino and will focus on the use of XR technologies in healthcare education and training. More specifically, in their clinical practice, emergency doctors often need to perform invasive procedures. Among these, one of the most complex is the placement of a central venous catheter in a large-caliber vein (jugular, ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Generating 3D synthetic data to train AI algorithms for intelligent vehicle applications

      Supervisors: Fabrizio Lamberti,
      The recognition of the vehicle’s owner or the person authorized to operate a given vehicle will be a challenge for future intelligent vehicle applications. Furthermore, the person to be recognized stands outside the car, in different and complex conditions (recognition in the “wild”): highly variable lighting, presence of other subjects, etc. Apart from the difficulty and complexity of the recognition ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Immersive driving simulations for autonomous vehicles and road users

      Autonomous vehicles are routinely advertized as the world-changing invention that will greatly impact people lives by, on the one hand, improving safety, reducing fuel consumption and decreasing urban infra-structure strains, and, on the other hand, freeing up huge amounts of time for their occupants, who will be allowed to read, consume, work, play, etc. Despite the enormous business opportunities, autonomous ...
    • Thesis with an external company or at Politecnico di Torino

      Serious games, simulation, and eXtended Reality for firefighting training

      Several collaborations are in place with Piedmont Region Civil Protection and Forest Firefighting Unit involved in emergency management. In this context, a number of serious games and interactive experiences leveraging Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality have been developed to support education and training of first responders, volunteers, students, etc. Three thesis proposals are available, to ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Investigating the effect of habituation on susceptibility to cybersickness in Virtual Reality

      Cybersickness is a disorder characterized by symptoms like nausea or discomfort, that can happen meanwhile or after using Virtual Reality (VR) . Similarly to motion sickness, it is mainly caused by inconsistency between visual and aural stimuli from the simulated virtual environment and the expected feedback from the vestibular system. Several mitigation and prevention techniques have been proposed and adopted ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      eXtended Reality technologies for Computer Animation

      Generating computer animations, particularly of virtual characters, is a very labor-intensive task, which requires animators to operate with sophisticated interfaces. Hence, researchers continuously experiment with alternative interaction paradigms that could possibly ease the above task. Among others, the use of XR represents a valid alternative to traditional interfaces (based on mouse and keyboard) since it ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Using eXtended Reality to support the cinema industry

      Extended Reality (XR) technologies, encompassing both Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), are disrupting the way films are produced and viewed. Although these technologies are becoming commonplace, they are presenting new, unexplored challenges to both the actors and final viewers. For instance, when motion capture is used to record actors’ movements with the aim of animating digital characters, ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Virtual humans and artificial intelligence in the fashion industry

      The fashion industry is undergoing a digital revolution driven by recent technological improvements. Particularly in design processes and marketing strategies, new solutions have been introduced in recent years. Both market brands and researchers are increasingly investing in technologies like Virtual Fitting Rooms (VFRs) to enrich customer experiences with innovative features, such as Virtual Try-On (VTON) ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Enhancing museum accessibility for ASD users in Virtual Reality by anticipation

      Supervisors: Fabrizio Lamberti,
      In the realm of social inclusion, numerous studies and applications have aimed at assisting individuals on the autism spectrum. Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a wide range of conditions that differ greatly among individuals. Some common challenges faced by those with ASD include: difficulties in social communication, such as interpreting emotions, understanding non-verbal cues, and building ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      The future of education: Evaluating Metaverse platforms for virtual learning experiences

      “Metaverse” is a term that refers to immersive virtual universe, generally accessible through eXtended Realty devices. Although the main purpose of this universe is socialization, recent efforts are starting to focus on the creation of experiences for education and training. Currently, several metaverse platforms, each with unique features and limitations, can be used for creating these experiences. ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Enhancing non-verbal communication in Social VR environments through body movement mimicry

      Supervisors: Fabrizio Lamberti,
      Technological advances have significantly changed the way individuals communicate, bridging geographical divides and fostering connections across platforms such as smartphones, social networks and virtual reality (VR). In particular, the emergence of VR technology has responded to the desire for more engaging online interactions, paving the way for social VR platforms. These platforms allow users to create ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      eXtended Reality, interaction metaphors and gamification elements for co-located, collaborative design tasks

      Supervisors: Fabrizio Lamberti,
      eXtended Reality (XR) technologies, including Virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), offer new opportunities for collaboration and communication among users in virtual and hybrid contexts. Specifically, the use of XR in co-located design tasks, where multiple users need to collaborate in real-time and share ideas, opens new horizons for improving the efficiency and creativity of ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Using Large Language Models to support hands-free locomotion in Virtual Reality

      The fusion of Large Language Models (LLMs) with Virtual Reality (VR) holds promise for a significant evolution in user experience. Within this context, exploring the utilization of LLMs for a hands-free locomotion system becomes particularly intriguing. This thesis aims to leverage the advanced natural language processing capabilities of these models to interpret user commands for teleportation, thus enhancing ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Experiencing past events through an eXtended Reality application for the Metaverse

      Extended reality applications are getting commonplace in several domains, ranging from entertainment to education. Moreover, the increasing interest in the Metaverse is attracting, more and more, the attention of researchers and companies. In the Metaverse, different communities can meet each other, with the aim of exchanging their idea or knowledge and working together on a given project. But what happens if a ...

Machine & Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence

    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Artificial Intelligence techniques for analyzing tennis players' performance

      Supervisors: Fabrizio Lamberti
      Several new thesis proposals are available, which will be developed in collaboration with HyperTennis ( a startup / spin-off of Politecnico di Torino. HyperTennis is designing solutions for the application of Artificial Intelligence and other technologies to analyze and improve the performance of tennis players. Thesis works will require the application of Computer Vision and Deep ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Digital reconstruction of Egyptian archeological remains in fragmentary state

      Supervisors: Fabrizio Lamberti
      The aim of this thesis, to be developed in collaboration with the Egyptian Museum in Turin, is to develop an algorithm able to reconstruct in a digital way the fragments of archeological remains by analyzing the fracture surfaces of the single pieces. The algorithm could be first tested on a “modern” object reduced to pieces, and then applied to a use case to be agreed with the Museum (e.g., stone fragments ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Controllable diffusion models for synthetic image generation

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      Current social media generate a tremendous amount of visual material, that can be exploited by researchers operating in social media research, digital humanities, and marketing. However, privacy regulations impose significant restrictions to both data collection and sharing. The CAMOUFLAGE project, funded by the AI4Media European project, aims to exploit diffusion model (such as Stable Diffusion) to produce a ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Self-supervised techniques for medical image representation learning

      Training deep neural networks require large scale annotated datasets which are often difficult to collect in the medical domain. As a consequence, a plethora of small and very specialized datasets have emerged. The medical domain would extremely benefit from more general purpose models that can be applied to a variety of problems. A possible strategy to overcome this issue is to leverage self-supervised ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      AI-Based landslide monitoring from satellite and ground data

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      The objective of this thesis is to investigate the integration of InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data for landslide monitoring by exploiting deep learning models. Multiple thesis are available in the context of a project funded by NODES (Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile). The thesis will in cooperation with the GRAINS (Prof. Lia Morra) and ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Generative AI models for enhanced text-to-image synthesis

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      While current generative text-to-image latent diffusion models have reached unprecedented results in terms of visual fidelity, there are still open issues to be addressed in exerting precise control over the generated images. Generative models have difficulty in creating correct images when the textual prompt contains many details and often with object placement and spatial awareness. Recent text-to-image ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      AI models for high-level semantic image interpretation

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      Context: Social media platforms have a profound impact on the way individuals choose to (re)present themselves in the digital era. Through the analysis of visual big data, we seek to understand how face representations have changed over time. Within the context of the FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies) project, we have collected user profile images from Facebook and Instagram. We ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Injecting prior knowledge in image interpretation tasks

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      Image interpretation tasks, such as object detection and visual relationship detection, may benefit from neural-symbolic integration in order to inject prior knowledge, e.g., from knowledge graphs, about objects and their relationship into the training objectives of deep neural networks. The goal of this project is to design deep architectures combining convolutional neural networks and trasformers with ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Injecting prior knowledge in medical image interpretation

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      Deep neural networks have shown remarkable performance in the interpretation of medical images. However, they require large datasets for training, and performance may degrade when training on imbalanced datasets. Doctors are typically trained through examples, as well as through structured taxonomies that present prototypical examples of visual features associated with benign and malignant lesions. The goal of ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Solving Sudoku puzzles with neuro-symbolic techniques

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      While state-of-the-art deep learning typically uses distributed representations, reasoning is normally useful at a higher level of abstraction. As a result, attempts at combining symbolic AI and neural computation into neural-symbolic systems have been on the increase. Neural-symbolic learning and reasoning is an area of research that aims at integrating relational/symbolic reasoning and knowledge ...
    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      AutoML techniques for neuro-symbolic AI

      Supervisors: Lia Morra
      Artificial Intelligence agents are required to learn from their surroundings and to reason about the knowledge that has been learned in order to make decisions. While state-of-the-art deep learning typically uses distributed representations, reasoning is normally useful at a higher level of abstraction. As a result, attempts at combining symbolic AI and neural computation into neural-symbolic systems have been ...


    • Thesis at Politecnico di Torino

      Blockchain and smart contracts: analysis, search and visualization

      The thesis aims at designing and developing a tool for the analysis of smart contracts deployed on existing blockchain platforms. The objective of the tool is to support the user in the identification of smart contracts' main characteristics (e.g., in terms of application field, type, tasks performed, interactions with other smart contracts, etc.), by also exploiting visualization techniques. The thesis student ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Design and Implementation of a Blockchain-based Simulation Tool for Electric Vehicle Recharging Infrastructure

      Supervisors: Valentina Gatteschi
      The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing, and the demand for electric vehicle recharging infrastructure is growing. To ensure the efficient operation of this infrastructure, new tools are needed to simulate, test, and optimize different charging strategies. In this thesis proposal, we propose the design and implementation of a blockchain-based simulation tool for electric vehicle recharging ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Self-Sovereign Identity and its Integration in an Energy Data Marketplace

      Supervisors: Valentina Gatteschi
      Self-Sovereign Identity is a new digital identity model that empowers individuals to control their identity without relying on centralized authorities. SSI enables the creation, management, and verification of digital identities that are self-owned, portable, and interoperable. In the context of an energy data marketplace, SSI can potentially enable secure and efficient sharing of energy data while giving ...
    • Thesis with an external company or research center

      Benchmarking and testing Blockchain Technologies for Industrial Product Tracking

      Supervisors: Valentina Gatteschi
      Industrial product tracking is a critical aspect of supply chain management that ensures the integrity, traceability, and security of products as they move through the supply chain. Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize industrial product tracking by providing a tamper-proof and decentralized system for data storage and traceability. However, with various blockchain platforms available, it is ...